Auto insurance coverage is packaged into different coverage types. It is usually easiest to determine what you are required to purchase. Then, you determine what you have that needs to be protected. You purchase insurance to protect yourself (your family) in the event that you suffer a loss to your person or property and you purchase car insurance to protect yourself (your family) from losses suffered by others. Below is a breakdown of each car insurance coverage type to help you understand more about what each type of coverage protects. Next to each type is a term that is usually associated with that coverage type (i.e. BI and PD). To the left are descriptions of some but not all coverage’s available.
Full coverage is the term commonly used to refer to the combination of comprehensive and collision coverage (liability is generally also implied.) The term full coverage is actually a misnomer because, even within traditional full coverage insurance, there are many different types of coverage, and many optional amounts of each. “Full coverage” is a layman’s misnomer that often results in drivers and vehicle owners being woefully underinsured. Most responsible insurance agents or brokers do not use this term when working with their clients.
Auto insurance Collision coverage provides coverage for vehicles involved in collisions. Collision coverage is subject to a deductible. This coverage is designed to provide payments to repair the damaged vehicle, or payment of the cash value of the vehicle if it is not repairable or totaled. Collision coverage is optional, however if you plan on financing a car or taking a car loan. The lender will usually insist you carry collision for the finance term or until the car is paid off. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) is the term used by rental car companies for collision coverage.COMPREHENSIVE AUTO INSURANCE:
Auto insurance Comprehensive, also known as other than collision, coverage provides coverage, subject to a deductible, for cars damaged by incidents that are not considered collisions. For example, fire, theft (or attempted theft), vandalism, weather, or impacts with animals are types of comprehensive losses.Additionally, the majority of insurance companies list “Acts of God” as an aspect of comprehensive coverage. By definition, it includes any events or occurrences that are beyond human control. For example, a tornado, flood, hurricane, or hail storm would fall under this category.
Uninsured/Underinsured coverage, also known as UM/UIM, provides coverage if an at-fault party either does not have insurance, or does not have enough insurance. In effect, the insurance company pays the insured medical bills, then would subrogate from the at fault party.BODILY INJURY LIABILITY (BI):
Covers other people’s bodily injuries or death for which you are responsible. It also provides for a legal defense if another party in the accident files a lawsuit against you. Claims for bodily injury may be for such things as medical bills, loss of income or pain and suffering. In the event of a serious accident, you want enough insurance to cover a judgment against you in a lawsuit, without jeopardizing your personal assets. Bodily injury liability covers injury to people, not your vehicle. Therefore, it is a good idea (and usually a company requirement) to have the same level of coverage for all of your cars. Bodily Injury Liability does NOT cover you or other people on your policy. Coverage is limited to the terms and conditions contained in the policy. It is mandatory in most states.Get an auto insurance quote and save.
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